Is GS1 Barcode Mandatory?

 Is GS1 Barcode Mandatory?
Barcode registration is not a government mandatory requirement
A retail barcode will work fine even without registration because stores enter the barcode number and link it to their billing or inventory software on an individual basis.
Why do you need a GS1 barcode?
GS1 numbers should be used to uniquely identify products at source, so you will need to ask your supplier to do this. ... You are not required to allocate GTINs to products sold on Amazon Handmade. YOu can Use your own Number to use it as your Product Code & Convert it into Barcode Image. Our Barcode Label Software, Bartender, Etc. Software does this job prefectly to make product labels with barcode Image. However without any software help also you can generate any number into 2D Barcode Lines Image from Website.
Is GS1 barcode mandatory in India?
***No. Not at all.***
Bar code has now been made mandatory only for the companies deal in Pharmaceuticals, Trading with Super Markets, Providing Goods and Services to Army canteens etc. It is used worldwide as part of product packages, as price tags, carton labels, on invoices even in credit card bills.
### If you are a small scale manufacturer & just started your business, want to Label your Product perfectly with Barcode Image & other packing details, you can always use any number as your Product Code Barcode & Print that Barcode Image to your Product Label.
## You will need to register your UPC-EAN GS-1 Barcode only when asked by your Customer whom you want to sell or for Specific Export of Product requires to register your product code for Global Trade Item Number GTIN & purchase from GS-1 Barcode. Till then you can use local barcodes & print it on your product. 90% of Local Products Labelling Solutions use Self Generated Barcode Images & Codes. When you are planning a big Market & want to identify your product as unique with all its trade marks & patents it is advised that you purchase a GS-1 Barcode that time & associate your product brand with that number. So that even on web search by your product EAN Barcode Image, it will show your company details with product description.
This is done when you upload your product details on GS-1 Website after purchasing GS-1 Barcodes.

How much does a GS1 Barcode Registration Cost?
Approximate it takes 40000 to 60000Rs. depending on No. of Codes you want to purchase & time frame. It requires to renew license with same GS1 Company. Once GS1 Codes are purchase with specific company prefix & country Code "890" You have to add last thirteen digit checksum digit to your barcode to make it 13 digit EAN Code.
 Any agent will do it for you.
To Register GS1 Barocde :Consultant Contact : Hemal Patel :9712979738
Is a barcode a legal requirement?
Barcode registration is not required
Instead it is up to resellers and GS1 to ensure that each number is only sold once and up to manufacturers (you) to ensure that each barcode is only allocated to one product.
Links for Websites generating Barcodes & QR Codes
::Check Few Video Blog Link for better knowledge ::

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